Our Approach
We believe we can provide the best opportunities for your child and we strive to provide a centre of excellence for our parents and children both. With our carefully thought-out programmes and experienced team, we believe Kidz Co. can support and care for your children, working with you to give them the best possible future.
At Kidz Co. we provide 2 key elements for your child:
The first element is the provision of a safe, loving environment where your child will be nurtured and cared for by trained educators who will role model and encourage them to follow the centre’s values. These values include honesty, respect, trust, integrity, cooperation, and caring for others.
Kidz Co. Learning Centre is licensed by the Provincial Community Care and Assisted Living Act and is governed by the Community Care Licensing.
The centre is licensed for:
- 50 children aged 30 months to five years
Children of all abilities are welcome as long as we can meet their individual needs and we prefer to meet with the child’s parents or guardians before the child starts to attend to ascertain what those needs are.
The Kids Co. Learning Centre endeavor to hire staff with appropriate qualifications. Staff are encouraged to pursue professional development opportunities related to early childhood education and continue to be life long learners. Parents and guardians are also highly valued. They play a strong role as contributors and volunteers in the program. It is this commitment that allows the Kidz Co Learning Centre program to thrive and make a difference.
Our Mission Statement:
The Kids Co. Childcare Centre exists to provide a safe, developmentally appropriate environment for preschool and school aged children. Our focus is to provide a stimulating child care and education experience which promotes each child's social, emotional, physical and cognitive development. Our goal is to support children's desire to be life long learners. We believe that children are by nature, curious and eager learners. Young children learn best when they experience their environment first hand in play. It is their direct experience in the world with people, places and objects at hand that spark their innate desire to "find out", "figure out" or otherwise solve problems that present themselves through the course of every day events. Teachers provide the expert guidance and support for "knowing" how things work and how to successfully live in the world with self and others. We believe in the value and uniqueness of each child we serve. Our curriculum is designed to foster the social, educational, intellectual, spiritual and physical needs of the children we serve. This is based on the believe that young children need to be actively involved in learning through play and opportunities to explore, experience and succeed as well as on a widely accepted theories and principles of a child's growth and development.
Your Child

Daycare is the initial experience a child may have away from home with caregivers other than members of the immediate family.
To ensure continuity of development, our centres provide an environment which reflects the child’s experience in the home and community.
Our programs are planned in conjunction with parents which is based upon a thorough knowledge and understanding of the child’s needs, growth and development.
- Our staff understand each child's development and foster their self-confidence.
- Children will grow as capable learners in a stimulating environment.
- Kids are encouraged to make choices and participate in decisions.
- Every child is respected as a unique individual.
- Cultural diversity is valued and celebrated.
- Health and safety policies are strictly followed.
- Centre values guide all interactions with children.
- Each child’s health and well-being are prioritized.
We try to keep our day care costs affordable!
Enrollment Fee
Late payment of Fees may incur a 10% penalty on your account and failure to pay fees may result in a cancellation of your enrolment. If account balances remain unpaid, then all costs of debt collection will be payable by you.
Book a Visit
We encourage you to come and visit us to see if we could be a good fit for you and your child. Please call us at (250) 746-4020 to set up a time to pop in and say hello and have a look around!